519 N Cass Ave, Suite 102, Westmont, IL 60559
101 E. St. Charles Rd,Suite 101, Villa Park, IL 60181
All-on-4 implants are an excellent tooth replacement option for patients who are looking for something better than traditional dentures. It is ideal for patients who have significant tooth loss or decay and is ideal even for patients who may have experienced bone loss. It’s an excellent option for patients who aren’t ideal candidates for traditional implants.
All-on-4 dental implants are permanent dentures that we fix directly into your jaw. They are an excellent replacement for natural teeth.
We install four implants into your jaw that will act as the anchors to hold your restorations. These implants will be used to hold the dentures or full-bridge that will restore your smile. The first two implants are placed at 45-degree angles in the back of the mouth to provide improved stability. The other two anchors are placed in the front. This allows for an even distribution of the force of the denture.
In order to have your All-on-4 implants placed, we must first remove any decayed or damaged teeth, in addition to any teeth that have already been lost.
For some patients, All-on-4 implants may be able to be fitted in only one visit.
All-on-4 implants are a great solution for many dental patients who have experienced severe decay or tooth loss. It is even an excellent option for patients who have bone loss. Traditional implants may require patients who have suffered bone loss to undergo a bone graft prior to placing the implants. That isn’t the case with All-in-4 implants, however,
There are a host of benefits, including: